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Tmux configuration

tmux.conf provides some sane defaults for tmux on Mac OS like a powerful status bar and vim keybindings.

You can customize the configuration in ~/.tmux.conf.user.

Note: In order to have True Color support you must have tmux > 2.2 installed

Learning Tmux

If you’re new to tmux you can read their man page or a more palatable introduction as this book. In there you can find a nice cheatsheet.

Then make sure to see the bindings we customize in tmux.conf file.

You can also see bind available by typing: Ctrl-a-?


We use tmuxp here. That means you can run tmuxp load my-cool-project and it will load a new (or attach to a previously loaded) session and create all windows and panes and run commands in those panes as you wish.

Example config:

session_name: 4-pane-split
- window_name: dev window
  layout: main-vertical
    - cd ~/                    # run as a first command in all panes
    - shell_command:           # pane no. 1
        - cd /var/log          # run multiple commands in this pane
        - ls -al | grep \.log
    - git status               # pane no. 2
    - ./run-my-server          # pane no. 3
    - ./run-my-tests           # pane no. 4